Thursday, October 13, 2011


Below is the prophetic utterances made by the General Overseer of Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, Lagos, Nigeria. And interestingly, most of them have been point blank accurate. What can we learn from these? Enjoy reading and be ready for the rapture. Larry


The G.O opened the message by stating that 2011 can otherwise be described as "A Boiling Year." The following thirty (30) message points form the prophetic picture for the year 2011. Ask the Lord to open your understanding as some of these points require divine revelation to understand:

1. This unfortunately is a year of massive and insane disorder.

2. This is a year of satanically inspired and well-orchestrated chaos.

3. This year is a year, when the animal will pursue the hunter and the horse will begin to climb the rider.

4. This is a year of unexplainable lawlessness and protests across the nations

5. This is a year whereby unless there is aggressive intercession and divine intervention, the economy of the world will be shaken and brought down to dust.

6. Unfortunately, this is a year of the rage of satanic blood bank.

7. This is a year where there shall be very hot anger from heaven against strange marriages and perverted families.

8. This is a year of execution of divine judgement against powers behind terrorising nations and religions

9. This is a year of national and global disgraceful surprises for the enemies of righteousness and truth

10. This is a year where a lot of monkeys shall fall down from the trees

11. This is a year of very harsh geographical and climatic conditions

12. A year where divinely energized storms shall swallow the wicked

13. This is a year of judgement for blasphemers.

14. This is a year where there will be emergence of newer groups carrying out the most gruesome satanic agenda

15. A year for the emergence of newer technologies to improve lives but also to multiply iniquities

16. A year of food crises

17. A year of unimaginable wickedness in high places

18. A year of evil promotion and evil tolerance

19. A year of abominable perversion and rebellion

20. A year that will dramatize Haggai 2:6. "For thus saith the LORD of hosts; Yet once, it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land;"

21. A year that will also dramatize the scripture in Hosea 12:13. "And by a prophet the LORD brought Israel out of Egypt, and by a prophet was he preserved." A year you will need a prophet to lead you in, to sustain you and to lead you out.

22. Nations supporting sexual perversion and strange marriages will experience the Sodom and Gomorrah kind of punishment

23. Serious prayers are needed to avert bloody ethnic clashes and destruction

24. A year that you must always know the mind of God before embarking on anything

25. A year to really pray against major catastrophic disaster

26. A year when the almighty will set tables of uncommon blessings for his faithful children

27. A year when the statement ‘Judgement will start from the house of God’ will be played out in full

28. A year of uncommon decay in the societal values

29. A year of exposure and judgement for the bad and ugly in Christianity

30. A year when deliberate violation of God’s commands will have zero tolerance from heaven


There are two (2) major keys for surviving this year:
1. Learn to talk to everything: You must understand that everything has ears: This year form the habit of talking to everything. Jesus spoke to trees, mountains, demons and to water. Talk to everything. For example, If it is a headache, talk to it.

2. Command the Morning: You must learn and begin to practise how to Command the Morning, how to command your day. To help you with this, get a copy of the book, “Command The Morning” Job 38:12.

Please Note: The full audio version of this message is available on tape and on Compact disc. For the tape/CD and a copy of the book "Command the Morning", please contact the MFM International Bookshop and/or the Prayer City Bookshop.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Sharing My Darkest Secrets of 35years Brought me Love

Praise the Lord somebody. Tim, who had a chequered boyhood shared this amazing testimony with my Sister, Jana Smith, a Celebrate Recovery Minister and I can't wait to share it with someone in case it helps to bring you out of the murderous dark secrets that have become Satan's stronghold in your life. Larry 

My name is Tim. I'm a believer who struggles with codependency, sexual abuse, sexual addiction and anger.

Please read Paul's glowing words in 2 Corinthians 5:16-21 about every believer's identity as a new creation in Christ.

My dad was an automotive service manager who passion was racing stock cars. When I was four years old, I went to see him race and watched in horror and disbelief as his car exploded, resulting in his death. Over the years, I comforted myself with food, and the kids at school were cruel about my weight. When I was nine years old, I was playing in the woods with my friend. His older brother, who was lying in wait for me, raped me, warning me that if I told anyone, he would kill both my mother and me.

My mom found escape from her own pain over my dad's death in alcohol. When I was ten years old, she died of cirrhosis of the liver, leaving me an orphan. I felt abandoned and afraid. I was passed around among my relatives, and one of my cousins threatened me with a knife and sexually abused me. Eventually, when I was 12, an aunt and uncle adopted me. I was an angry, untrusting, selfish fat kid who started to get into trouble on a regular basis.

I left home when I was 19, an my behavior turned increasingly dark: I engaged in drugs and alcohol abuse and had multiple sexual encounters. I married but was unfaithful, in less than two years we were divorced. During the next 21 years I remarried, fathered three children, earned degrees, became an ordained pastor, planted a church and ran a prison ministry. My sexual behaviors continued, though, as I fantasized about women I knew and acted out in secret. I was physically faithful to my wife while having numerous mental affairs. A pastor is expected to be perfect. Who could I talk to?

After we had been married for 15 years, my wife had an affair and sought my forgiveness. But I was crushed by the pain of once again feeling abandoned, and we divorced, with me accepting sole responsibility for another failed marriage. I got involved in therapy, and God prepared me for his next step. A friend suggested that I become involved in Celebrate Recovery, but I thought he was mistaken in considering me "one of those people."

One day in a coffee shop I was reading my Bible when a man walked in wearing his Celebrate Recovery cap. He invited me to join the program, and I agreed to attend on the following Friday. I fully intended to go to the Men's Anger group, but God directed me instead to the Men's Codependency group, where I've remained ever since. I also immediately joined a men's Step Study group. God's Spirit prompted me to share my darkest secrets, and for the first time in 40 years I felt unconditionally loved.

Principle Six literally changed my life. In my heart I had always hated the individuals who had sexually abused me. but God moved me to include them on the list of those I needed to forgive. I wrote both of those men letter I knew I couldn't send, letters describing the years of wreckage and pain that had resulted from the acts they'd perpetrated against me. I explained that I was extending forgiveness to them as part of my recovery. It wasn't about them, it was all about God and me. Then, suddenly, God changed my heart. I no longer wanted these men to suffer God's wrath for what they had done to me. I had indeed become a new creation. My anger simply melted away, leaving only compassion. I began to pray, asking God to forgive them for their sins against me, and in an instant he changed my heart toward those two individuals. I had hatred for over 35 years.

During my first year of recovery, I experienced more pain and shed more tears than every before. I revisited and reopened wounds I had hoped only to bury, but in the process I began to find healing. The men in my Step Study became my lifeline. To this day we continue to hold one another accountable.

Although I thought I could never open my heart to another woman, without my knowledge a friend set up a date for me. I was incredulous. As it turned out though, Lori is the most wonderful woman I've ever known. Our friendship grew into a dating relationship, we fell in love, and in March of 2003 she became my wife. Through Lori God has taught me more about his grace and love than I've ever known before.

I no longer regret my past because God has used it to bring me to where I am today. Although I revel in being a new creation in Christ, the Lord in his infinite wisdom has used and continues to use the vestiges of my brokenness to give others strength and hope. By his grace I now have the privilege of giving back by coleading the Men's Codependency group and a men's Step Study group, as well as serving as a counselor and chaplain of recovery in a drug and alcohol treatment center. I was wrong: I truly am "one of those people." And I thank God for that fact every day.

T im

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Delivered From Alcoholism

In the post below, my Sister in Christ Jana Smith recalls the testimony that a recovered alcoholic, David, gave. Having battled alcoholism from twelve years, it was a titanic battle for him to surrender to Christ. Now he is over the clouds in joy that Christ caught him like He did Jonah. Happy reading. Larry 

I started drinking when I was 12 and immediately like the way it made me feel. I wasn't comfortable with who I was and often felt as though I didn't measure up in the world around me. Alcohol made me feel like I fit in.

Since childhood my biggest desire had been to be an actor. I did manage to break into the industry and filmed 32 shows of a popular children's program. But even though my ego was inflated, I found that alcohol and drugs fit hand in glove with this new lifestyle.

By the age of 19, I was already in the middle stages of alcoholism. Some disturbing blackouts motivated me to seek help through recovery programs. I liked what I saw, but my drinking didn't yet motivate me to surrender my addiction or myself to God. In retrospect, I can see that God had been moving in my life. I just hadn't recognized it. I did, however, decide to accept Jesus Christ as my Savior.

I did well with my new spiritual foundation for several months, but I wasn't ready to let go of my drinking. In fact, a short time later I drifted away from God and drank more than ever. I had lost the ability to choose not to drink, and I felt utterly defeated as a Christian. I decided that I would play no more games and went on to drink solidly over the next five years. During this period I met and married my wife, Debbie.

Finally, in 1994, after numerous attempts at sobriety, my addiction landed me in prison, where I served four-and-a-half years of a ten-year sentence. At the beginning of my prison term I left my wife, who was eight months pregnant, alone with three small children. After all those years of dodging bullets, I had finally taken a direct hit. And I paid real consequences for my actions.

Of all the Biblical characters, I can identify most with Jonah. He ran hard from God, refusing to go to Nineveh and do God's will. Likewise, I fled in the opposite direction when God called, thinking for years I couldn't be happy doing what he intended me to do for his glory (1:1-3).

My prison time was for me the equivalent of Jonah's "incarceration" in the belly of the great fish (2:2-9). When all hope was lost and Jonah thought there was no way out, god restored him to do his work. God humbled me as well, so that I could, with his help, humble myself in repentance and gratitude (1:8-10). I had the knowledge of recovery and of God's Word, yet I had never before put either into the practice. God taught me what it means to live by faith, one day at a time. Once I stopped resisting his direction for my life, I too was able to fulfill his heart's desire - now mine as well - by ministering to others.

I gave my addiction over to God, and he has allowed my wife and me to minister, through Celebrate Recovery, to others who suffer from the same hurts, hang-ups and habits that had plagued our lives. We now have the privilege of watching God work the same miracles in the lives of others.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011


By Christine Cooper,
Walton Beach, Florida, USA

I must say that every day of my life is a testimony to the amazing grace, mercy, and enduring love of our Heavenly Father through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. I have many many wonderful testimonies to share, but the one most fresh in my mind today is what the Lord did for me this day.

My car was having some brake problems, but I did not have enough money yet to fix them and the brakes were still working to get me where I need to be in short distances only. Well today I needed to go to the store(market) and get foods for the family. I let my 5 year old nephew come with me. The closest supermarket is about 5 miles ( 8.04672km ). As I slowed down and turned into the supermarket parking lot, the brakes failed. I could not stop the car, but I was going slow and there were no other cars in my way and I was able to shift the gears and come to a full safe stop before any harm could be done. Brothers and Sisters, our God is an "ON TIME" God. Had the brakes of failed a moment earlier, when I was still on speed,  we would have been on the busy street and wrecked or could have been injured or even caused harm to other road users.

I have no doubt that Jesus had his hands on those brakes until we got to a safe place. He is always in control of the wheel in my life and I sit as a passenger. My little nephew could have been injured very bad had I  hit another car. to give you an idea of the great harm that could have occurred, it's a busy street too.

In the greatest of dangers and perils in our lives,we need not fear as even though we cannot see Jesus, he is there. Closer than the clothes on our bodies. He knows all our business and nothing is too great or too small for him to handle in our lives. Whether I am being swept away by a storm or being chased by a stinging bee, I know Jesus will be with me and help me through whatever befalls me. He is this way with all his people no matter where you are or what you are doing. I stand in awe of the goodness of the Lord. Praise the Lord!

Your Sister in Christ, Christine

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I don't know why am being reminded about this testimony but it took place some years back.

I had returned early from work because my children's nanny did not come to work. Pressed with preparing launch and the kids for Tuesday Bible Study that we call Spiritual Clinic, I hurriedly made a meal of noodles the quick way and hurried the children through their bath. Every step of the way, I was playing the Mum in the Dad's way.

Having cooked the noodles, I now realised that there was no protein in the mix. Then I put the kettle back on the fire and dropped two eggs into it. At this time the noodles were already on the table and I forgot that the eggs were still on the fire. In my thinking, they could eat the meal first and then the eggs would be ready by the time they'd finished with their meal.

Poor me. I forgot all about the eggs as soon as they finished their meal and hurried them out. We were already on the road when I remembered.  It was one of those terrible days when Lagos traffic is a jam. On this day, the traffic was so bad that I could not turn nor even find a space to park my car. My choices were limited. I thought of leaving the car there with the kids inside but it cut no ice. What about getting somewhere to park and then do what with a three year old boy and his four year old sibling? Could there be an alternative? I found none. Now, I knew I was in deep trouble. I hollered at those in front: no one seemed to care in the world about my dilemma. I must have the image of a loose nut (a mental case of sorts) but if there was ever a case of the devil and the deep red sea, this was it. Should leave the infants in the car and run home in order to go put off a fire I was sure had started? The little amount of water I reasoned was sufficient to cook two eggs would by then have dried up. See my cross?

After fretting and cursing and raging, I recalled a testimony I once heard about how God had saved a family from fire. This woman had used petrol for kerosene and had used kerosene for petrol. She had successfully cooked dinner with the stove and her husband had turned the entire four litres kerosene into their generator. It was the failure of the generator to start that alerted the family to the fact that there had been an swap. To confirm the mix up, they checked the now cooling stove and found the very highly flammable petrol coolly resting in the stove tank and it dawned on them that God had just taken them through a Daniel in the Lion's den experience. That was what made to start praying by asking God to intervene and make my case another such uncommon testimony. I asked that God should just do what only Him can. I prayed that I would not burn down another man's house when I had yet to build mine and on and on went my prayer.

To God be the glory, He rose up on my behalf and performed His miracle.

After almost 45minutes or one hour this journey of about 10minutes ended. Immediately, I left the kids with a Sister in the church grabbed a bike and ordered him to race to my house. To the glory of God, I got home only to find that God is truly amazing.

The fire was gone, the eggs were cooked and there was still fuel in the tank. To confirm this miracle I noted that the water had barely finished when the fire went out. No other person had entered the house as we left and my doors were firmly locked when I returned.

Now for some time this week, this testimony has been playing around my mind and the Lord was insisting that I post it online. Perhaps there is someone who will be encouraged to trust God more and believe Him to take her through that impossibility after reading this testimony. I don't know why God wants me to post this testimony many years after it occurred but be sure that Jesus loves you and wants to encourage to look up to him today. God bless you and turn your trial into a huge testimony today. Jesus loves you.