As I watched the transition form 2009 to this year, I could not help but remember the goodness of God in the life of my wife four (4) years ago. The story is one that is amazing and may sound unbelievable. I still can't believe what we were both able to pass through though so why do I expect it to be easy to believe/ But if you are passing through a difficulty that you are not sure you can make it just trust in the one who asked us to take His yoke because it will lighten ours. Please read and be blessed.
Some time in 2003 when my wife, Justina was pregnant with our last child, David, she was rushed back from the office on three occasions. On each occasion I was summoned form my office The Daily Independent where I worked as Special Projects Manager. On all occasions my fear that she fallen into labour turned out to be wrong. So what was wrong with her? She had had three other successful pregnancies that resulted in life births and none created as much fear of pre-mature birth as this.
The hospital had no clue but they were certain that she needed to do with less of egss, ripe plantain, oily foods and milk. For a pregnant woman, that seemed like death sentence but nothing came close to what was to happen in the subsequent months.
She had the baby on March 3 2004 and it was amazingly the easiest of the four births. But she and the baby lacked all nutrient as may be expected. We did all we could to provide for mother and child to be nourished and God was amazingly merciful. After a few months, we started detailed investigation which led us to discover that she had gall stones. Although a fairly easy prcedure would have helped to locate the position of the stone, ther was no Nigerian hospital that had the ERCP. Even the leading teaching hospital Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH) did not have this equipment. Then came the threat of a health workers' industrial action that could shut down all facilities irrespective of which patient was in or out. The situation to say the least was dire.
During this period, I lost my job and she became so sick she was asked to withdraw from work until she felt well enought to resume. We tried send her overseas for help but she American embassy was not helpful and since there were no known relatives that we could count on in the UK, we and other countries, we decided to take her to the private medical facility of the Surgery department for the proposed surgery, which we were told was the only way to remedy her condition in the absence of pin hole surgery that was rampant every where else in the world.
The surgery was done in October that year but three days after the ordeal that was to take us to every part of Nigeria started. The surgery ended after nearly four hours. She came out of the theatre with a wound on the head and no one could explain how that wound came. The tragedy was that four or five days after surgery her stomach became bloated. On investigation, the doctors admitted their surgical intervention had become complicated because the swelling up of the stomach meant that there was a leakage that needed to be quickly remedied. Unfortunately, the doctor claimed they could not do that because she was too frail and skinny to withstand another surgery. At this point we knew we were on to a long uncertain journey. The only hope left once more was to find a hospital with the ERCP procedure and we could not find any. Our resouces were dwindling and so was her health declining. To give an idea of her state is to state that she was as bad as patient with the advanced stage of AIDS.
Friends and relatives absconded and would no longer receive their calls. Colleagues stopped visiting and at such moments, you find how stalk lonely it can become in a crowded world especially the African type. Then from no where, came a few who were helpful. From this small circle, the Lord raised a huge sum of money running into millions that enabled us to go Israel for the surgical operation that corrected the anomaly created by the Nigerian medical intervention. In all of this period, one thing, one person did not fail us: CHRIST. That was what was playing in my mind when the fire works were blasting away this December 31 2009 night at the Prayer City owned by the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries (MFM).
The MFM assisted us in several ways and for this I am lifting my hands in gratitude to God. First, different prayer teams were available at different times. They visited us at home and were ever ready to help in prayers in the church. second, it was here that I found that God does answer in this generation like He did in Moses time. How?
Early one morning when we were preparing for the monthly Power Must Change Hamds programme, we as a family prayed that God should remember my family especially my wife's case. To the Glory of God, the Prophet of God, Dr. D.K. Olukoya mentioned my wife by her native name in a crowd of more than five hundred thousand and assured her that heaven had heard her cry. This was an amazing coincidence that should convince all that Jesus Still Works. After that prophecy, our critical financial situation became the trouble of others who, without a kobo from me, raised millions of naira that sent my wife and I to Israil's Ichilov Hospital where to the glory of God, the corrective surgery took place early in January 2006. Now four (4) years after, she has remained in tremendous good health. Praise the Lord!
Some time in 2003 when my wife, Justina was pregnant with our last child, David, she was rushed back from the office on three occasions. On each occasion I was summoned form my office The Daily Independent where I worked as Special Projects Manager. On all occasions my fear that she fallen into labour turned out to be wrong. So what was wrong with her? She had had three other successful pregnancies that resulted in life births and none created as much fear of pre-mature birth as this.
The hospital had no clue but they were certain that she needed to do with less of egss, ripe plantain, oily foods and milk. For a pregnant woman, that seemed like death sentence but nothing came close to what was to happen in the subsequent months.
She had the baby on March 3 2004 and it was amazingly the easiest of the four births. But she and the baby lacked all nutrient as may be expected. We did all we could to provide for mother and child to be nourished and God was amazingly merciful. After a few months, we started detailed investigation which led us to discover that she had gall stones. Although a fairly easy prcedure would have helped to locate the position of the stone, ther was no Nigerian hospital that had the ERCP. Even the leading teaching hospital Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH) did not have this equipment. Then came the threat of a health workers' industrial action that could shut down all facilities irrespective of which patient was in or out. The situation to say the least was dire.
During this period, I lost my job and she became so sick she was asked to withdraw from work until she felt well enought to resume. We tried send her overseas for help but she American embassy was not helpful and since there were no known relatives that we could count on in the UK, we and other countries, we decided to take her to the private medical facility of the Surgery department for the proposed surgery, which we were told was the only way to remedy her condition in the absence of pin hole surgery that was rampant every where else in the world.
The surgery was done in October that year but three days after the ordeal that was to take us to every part of Nigeria started. The surgery ended after nearly four hours. She came out of the theatre with a wound on the head and no one could explain how that wound came. The tragedy was that four or five days after surgery her stomach became bloated. On investigation, the doctors admitted their surgical intervention had become complicated because the swelling up of the stomach meant that there was a leakage that needed to be quickly remedied. Unfortunately, the doctor claimed they could not do that because she was too frail and skinny to withstand another surgery. At this point we knew we were on to a long uncertain journey. The only hope left once more was to find a hospital with the ERCP procedure and we could not find any. Our resouces were dwindling and so was her health declining. To give an idea of her state is to state that she was as bad as patient with the advanced stage of AIDS.
Friends and relatives absconded and would no longer receive their calls. Colleagues stopped visiting and at such moments, you find how stalk lonely it can become in a crowded world especially the African type. Then from no where, came a few who were helpful. From this small circle, the Lord raised a huge sum of money running into millions that enabled us to go Israel for the surgical operation that corrected the anomaly created by the Nigerian medical intervention. In all of this period, one thing, one person did not fail us: CHRIST. That was what was playing in my mind when the fire works were blasting away this December 31 2009 night at the Prayer City owned by the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries (MFM).
The MFM assisted us in several ways and for this I am lifting my hands in gratitude to God. First, different prayer teams were available at different times. They visited us at home and were ever ready to help in prayers in the church. second, it was here that I found that God does answer in this generation like He did in Moses time. How?
Early one morning when we were preparing for the monthly Power Must Change Hamds programme, we as a family prayed that God should remember my family especially my wife's case. To the Glory of God, the Prophet of God, Dr. D.K. Olukoya mentioned my wife by her native name in a crowd of more than five hundred thousand and assured her that heaven had heard her cry. This was an amazing coincidence that should convince all that Jesus Still Works. After that prophecy, our critical financial situation became the trouble of others who, without a kobo from me, raised millions of naira that sent my wife and I to Israil's Ichilov Hospital where to the glory of God, the corrective surgery took place early in January 2006. Now four (4) years after, she has remained in tremendous good health. Praise the Lord!
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