I welcome you to another wonderful testimony submitted by Ifiemi Berepubo through Pastor McKivett. It is one of the commonest wonders that women experience: the mystery of safe delivery that we tend to ignore the amazing Grace that does it. May this testimony bring your own testimony to fruition in the Mighty name of Jesus. Amen. Thanks Pastor McKivett. God bless you. Larry
Brethren thank God with me as My older sister delivered a baby girl safely. It was not just easy but it went well at last.
At 6 months of her pregnancy, she started having continuous itching of her outer body (i.e., stomach, back, legs etc). The itching gets unbearable at night making her unable to have a peaceful sleep and finally increased her Blood Pressure to a 150-180. As she entered the 7th month, she could no longer sleep without a piriton injection. She was injected every night to aid her peaceful sleep until the 8th month. At exactly 8month, she started growing weaker by the day and could hardly move herself around like before, which led to her swollen/painful feet and over protruded stomach. Three weeks to her EDD (Expected Delivery Date), she visited her doctor and was immediately admitted for instant CS operation. To cut a long story short, 1 hour after she was taken into the theartre, the baby cried out and we waited 2 long hours to hear positive about the mother. I called Pastor Mckivett the moment the doctor told her to stay back for the operation and he in fact told me he was commencing prayers instantly for the safe delivery of mother and child.
The baby had jaundice and was put in a childrens' hospital away from the mother for about one week. Today, mother and child are back home; normal, well and happy.
Every day we hear of awesome testimonies from Congregation after Congregation. We're desirous of sharing these testimonies with believers and non-believers the world over in this blog. After all is it not written in Revelations 12:11 we overcome him (the devil) by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimonies? So share your testimonies and the Lord will multiply it for you in the name of Jesus. Send testimonies to larryhappiday1@gmail.com
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
This is the testimony of David McKivett who found Christ in parties and debauchery. Today, he is fully committed to Him and is a soul-winner. Is your life meaningless and full of contradictions? David's testimony will lift your spirit and give you hope. Larry
Like most young men I gave no thought to God. I never had anything good to say about the church and to my way of thinking all ministers were hypocrites and money grabbers.
At school I was very shy and found it difficult to mix and it was for this reason that I was sent to a school for backward children. When I was thirteen I was able to attend a normal school but even then my education was below average.
I left school when I was fifteen and my first job was at the Ever Ready factory packing batteries. I only stayed there a month and afterwards drifted from job to job.
Although I was still quite shy I possessed a very hot temper and I was extremely arrogant. I was also extremely bigoted against black people.
My racist views changed when I was invited to a West Indian party. The invite came from a Jamaican woman with whom I worked. It was the first of many such parties that I attended. I became addicted to reggae music. The result of attending these parties was that although I lost my bigotry I gained something new, a real foul mouth. It came to the position that I could hardly put a sentence together without using one or two swear words. By going to these parties and night clubs I heard a lot about the West Indies so I decided to go to Jamaica for a holiday. At that time I was working for British Rail and was not earning very much money, so I decided to take an evening job to help pay my fare. While I was doing this evening Job I met an elderly Jamaican woman by the name of Joanna Daley. I was told by the other workers to avoid this woman because she was a religious fanatic, however, one day she invited me to her church. I agreed to go little knowing what I was letting myself in for.
This church was different from what I had expected. I thought it would be the usual type of service where people came in sat down quietly, sang a couple of hymns, listen in complete silence to the preacher and then went home. How wrong I was! The meeting started with people clapping their hands, singing, and banging on their tambourines. This was the first time I had been to a Pentecostal Church and it was here I found people actually enjoying worshipping God. After the preacher (the late Bishop Small) had preached he invited all those who wanted prayer to come forward. The sister who had invited me, Evangelist Daley, encouraged me to go forward, this I did. Another sister told me “Jesus loved me, and that he had taken my sins away when he hung on the cross” She also said that if I called upon Him I would receive salvation. Although I did not fully understanding what she was saying I prayed “Jesus teach me, open my understanding.” After praying this prayer I felt different, it was like a heavy load had been taken from me.
The next day being Monday I had to go to work. I knew my mates would want to know what I had been doing over the weekend. I wondered just what I was going to tell them. I knew that if I told them I had been to church they would have a good laugh at me, on the other hand if I told them I had been to a party it would be a lie, and it was now that telling lies bothered me. When I got to work I told them the truth, and they thought I was simply joking. The next day (Tuesday) I bought a Bible, this surprised my mother too.
On the Thursday of that week I was at work as usual and had to go to the end of the yard. As I was walking down one of my mates offered me a lift in the forklift truck he was driving. I gladly accepted and travelled with him to empty the load on the truck. When he got to the place to empty the load on the truck he moved the leaver in order to raise it but did not notice my arm was in the way. As the load began to move I felt a terrific pain in my arm, and started to scream “MY ARM, MY ARM”. The driver immediately lowered the load and I managed to move my arm clear. One of the men standing nearby held me and took me to the nurse who called the local ambulance and I was taken to hospital.
One day as I was lying in the hospital bed I heard a voice, but could not see anyone, but the voice said “Look what’s happening to you now that you are in the church, you had better get out of it before a worse thing happens”. I replied “Satan you were the cause of this, get out of my life”. That was the first time I had spoken to the Devil directly” and I knew he didn’t like what I had said. After the conversation I closed my eyes and saw blood all around me. Then I saw the cross come down from heaven. As the cross got nearer it became bigger. It was about a year later that I understood what the vision meant. It meant this, because Jesus had shed His blood at Calvary, my sins had been washed away. THANK GOD FOR THE BLOOD.
Things began to change in my life after this. I gave up smoking, swearing, going to parties and getting drunk. When a person finds Jesus they find all the peace, happiness and enjoyment they need. Six months later I was baptised by submersion in water and a few months later I was filled with the Holy Ghost and spoke in other tongues.
Since then I have been preaching the gospel all over the United Kingdom, Gemany, the West Indies and Nigeria. I have also been pastor of two churches and regularly hold seminars, teach in various Bible colleges and preach on the radio. I will be eternally grateful to Evangelist Daley for telling me about Jesus.
Like most young men I gave no thought to God. I never had anything good to say about the church and to my way of thinking all ministers were hypocrites and money grabbers.
At school I was very shy and found it difficult to mix and it was for this reason that I was sent to a school for backward children. When I was thirteen I was able to attend a normal school but even then my education was below average.
I left school when I was fifteen and my first job was at the Ever Ready factory packing batteries. I only stayed there a month and afterwards drifted from job to job.
Although I was still quite shy I possessed a very hot temper and I was extremely arrogant. I was also extremely bigoted against black people.
My racist views changed when I was invited to a West Indian party. The invite came from a Jamaican woman with whom I worked. It was the first of many such parties that I attended. I became addicted to reggae music. The result of attending these parties was that although I lost my bigotry I gained something new, a real foul mouth. It came to the position that I could hardly put a sentence together without using one or two swear words. By going to these parties and night clubs I heard a lot about the West Indies so I decided to go to Jamaica for a holiday. At that time I was working for British Rail and was not earning very much money, so I decided to take an evening job to help pay my fare. While I was doing this evening Job I met an elderly Jamaican woman by the name of Joanna Daley. I was told by the other workers to avoid this woman because she was a religious fanatic, however, one day she invited me to her church. I agreed to go little knowing what I was letting myself in for.
This church was different from what I had expected. I thought it would be the usual type of service where people came in sat down quietly, sang a couple of hymns, listen in complete silence to the preacher and then went home. How wrong I was! The meeting started with people clapping their hands, singing, and banging on their tambourines. This was the first time I had been to a Pentecostal Church and it was here I found people actually enjoying worshipping God. After the preacher (the late Bishop Small) had preached he invited all those who wanted prayer to come forward. The sister who had invited me, Evangelist Daley, encouraged me to go forward, this I did. Another sister told me “Jesus loved me, and that he had taken my sins away when he hung on the cross” She also said that if I called upon Him I would receive salvation. Although I did not fully understanding what she was saying I prayed “Jesus teach me, open my understanding.” After praying this prayer I felt different, it was like a heavy load had been taken from me.
The next day being Monday I had to go to work. I knew my mates would want to know what I had been doing over the weekend. I wondered just what I was going to tell them. I knew that if I told them I had been to church they would have a good laugh at me, on the other hand if I told them I had been to a party it would be a lie, and it was now that telling lies bothered me. When I got to work I told them the truth, and they thought I was simply joking. The next day (Tuesday) I bought a Bible, this surprised my mother too.
On the Thursday of that week I was at work as usual and had to go to the end of the yard. As I was walking down one of my mates offered me a lift in the forklift truck he was driving. I gladly accepted and travelled with him to empty the load on the truck. When he got to the place to empty the load on the truck he moved the leaver in order to raise it but did not notice my arm was in the way. As the load began to move I felt a terrific pain in my arm, and started to scream “MY ARM, MY ARM”. The driver immediately lowered the load and I managed to move my arm clear. One of the men standing nearby held me and took me to the nurse who called the local ambulance and I was taken to hospital.
One day as I was lying in the hospital bed I heard a voice, but could not see anyone, but the voice said “Look what’s happening to you now that you are in the church, you had better get out of it before a worse thing happens”. I replied “Satan you were the cause of this, get out of my life”. That was the first time I had spoken to the Devil directly” and I knew he didn’t like what I had said. After the conversation I closed my eyes and saw blood all around me. Then I saw the cross come down from heaven. As the cross got nearer it became bigger. It was about a year later that I understood what the vision meant. It meant this, because Jesus had shed His blood at Calvary, my sins had been washed away. THANK GOD FOR THE BLOOD.
Things began to change in my life after this. I gave up smoking, swearing, going to parties and getting drunk. When a person finds Jesus they find all the peace, happiness and enjoyment they need. Six months later I was baptised by submersion in water and a few months later I was filled with the Holy Ghost and spoke in other tongues.
Since then I have been preaching the gospel all over the United Kingdom, Gemany, the West Indies and Nigeria. I have also been pastor of two churches and regularly hold seminars, teach in various Bible colleges and preach on the radio. I will be eternally grateful to Evangelist Daley for telling me about Jesus.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Dear Reader, this testimony was sent by Pastor McKivett. It shows that God's love can win and forgives all things.Reminds me of Dr. Rebecca Brown" book "He Came to Set the Captives Free". Read and be encouraged. The Lord is waiting to give you your own testimony. Larry
When I read Candace's story I couldn't help but feel an eerie sence of familiarity. Much of what had happened to her happened to me, just not to the same harsh extent.
Growing up I had never been to church (beyond the occasional wedding) and my family never really spoke much of God or religion. We were a happy family and maybe that's why we never talked about God or questioned his existence. We never had anything bad happen to make us ask "why?". Then I became a teenager.
I don't know why I was attracted to the rebellious side of being a teen. I wasn't doing it on purpose, it's just what I really wanted to be like. My "crowd" wasn't a bad one, at least we didn't think so, but we got into trouble now and then. I started smoking, ciggerattes and marijuana,drinking and staying out all night and lying to my Mother. I was having sex at 13 and pregnancy scares at 14. I didn't care, I was having fun. Then it all went downhill.
I had broken up with my boyfriend of 5 years, and I was only 16. I started to do anything for any guy who would give me the time of day. Then I did get pregnant, and I thought maybe I had found love again, but it wasn't so. He never beat me but the verbal abuse I put up with threw me into a deep depresion. I tried so hard to be a good mother and house wife (even though we were not married) and nothing was ever good enough. He called me a slut and a whore. He refused to claim his daughter when he knew I was with no one else. He called me fat and lazy while I was pregnant. Sometimes I wished he would have beaten me. It probably would have hurt less. When I thought I could not take it anymore and was on the verge of suicide I happened upon something that would change my life.
I was watching an afternoon talk show one day. The subject was a new religion called Wicca. I heard them talk of thier love and worship of nature and all living creatures and the spiritual force of the earth and I was hooked. I went out and found everything I could on wicca. I trained and practiced and finally I proclaimed myself a bonafide witch. Wicca had opened up a whole new world for me. It gave me hope, it helped me with struggles, and it made me friends. It was a community where I belonged. For once I was happy. I found the courage to take my 3 year old daughter and leave her father, and it was the best choice I had ever made. I moved into my own apartment and I was in total bliss. No more complaining if something wasn't cleaned right or put away in the right place. I was finally on my own. But on your own can be a very lonely place.
I started to pray to my God and Goddess for someone to love me the way I needed to be loved. Someone that understood me. And it happened. He was perfect in every way and we really got along great. We saw each other for a couple of weeks and then we slept together and I never heard from him again. I found out a while later that he was a virgin and that he had only used me to "get it over with" so to speak. I was crushed. What self-esteem I had rebuilt was gone and I went wild. I started sneaking into bars and taking guys home I didn't even know for meaningless sex. Sometimes these guys were 30 or 40 years old and I was only 19 going on 20. I had gone from having had slept with nine people to twenty seven people in two months. I had given up all hope of ever finding someone to love. Then I met Jeff.
I met him while I was working at one of my twelve jobs that I had had in that year. I had never seen him before but I just couldn't get him out of my head. Well he kept coming back and it turned out that his ex-girlfriend was my co-worker and he had her ask me out. I said yes and we went to the only place I knew how to talk to guys at, the bar. We hit it off instantly and I could tell that he wasn't like other guys. At the end of the night he asked for my phone number but I knew as I handed it to him that he would never call. Much to my surprise the phone rang the next day and it was him asking me out on a second date. I twas the start of a long and beautiful relationship. But there was one problem. My beliefs were a conflict to his.
He was a strict christian and I was a witch. He never said anything but I could tell it bothered him. So finally one night we sat down and talked about it. I explained to him that it was what I had chosen because I knew of no other choice. He would talk to me about God and the Bible and I had no idea of anything that he said. So he taught me. I resented it at first but then I started to see so many things falling in to place that I had given dumb luck and Wicca credit for. He explained to me that Christianity was not a religion, it was a relationship. He never got frustrated, even when I did and was patient.
Almost a year into our relationship I accepted Jesus Christ and became a Christian. I have never been happier. I realize now that my ultimate unhappiness came from not knowing where I was going. I know now.
Kimberly S.
When I read Candace's story I couldn't help but feel an eerie sence of familiarity. Much of what had happened to her happened to me, just not to the same harsh extent.
Growing up I had never been to church (beyond the occasional wedding) and my family never really spoke much of God or religion. We were a happy family and maybe that's why we never talked about God or questioned his existence. We never had anything bad happen to make us ask "why?". Then I became a teenager.
I don't know why I was attracted to the rebellious side of being a teen. I wasn't doing it on purpose, it's just what I really wanted to be like. My "crowd" wasn't a bad one, at least we didn't think so, but we got into trouble now and then. I started smoking, ciggerattes and marijuana,drinking and staying out all night and lying to my Mother. I was having sex at 13 and pregnancy scares at 14. I didn't care, I was having fun. Then it all went downhill.
I had broken up with my boyfriend of 5 years, and I was only 16. I started to do anything for any guy who would give me the time of day. Then I did get pregnant, and I thought maybe I had found love again, but it wasn't so. He never beat me but the verbal abuse I put up with threw me into a deep depresion. I tried so hard to be a good mother and house wife (even though we were not married) and nothing was ever good enough. He called me a slut and a whore. He refused to claim his daughter when he knew I was with no one else. He called me fat and lazy while I was pregnant. Sometimes I wished he would have beaten me. It probably would have hurt less. When I thought I could not take it anymore and was on the verge of suicide I happened upon something that would change my life.
I was watching an afternoon talk show one day. The subject was a new religion called Wicca. I heard them talk of thier love and worship of nature and all living creatures and the spiritual force of the earth and I was hooked. I went out and found everything I could on wicca. I trained and practiced and finally I proclaimed myself a bonafide witch. Wicca had opened up a whole new world for me. It gave me hope, it helped me with struggles, and it made me friends. It was a community where I belonged. For once I was happy. I found the courage to take my 3 year old daughter and leave her father, and it was the best choice I had ever made. I moved into my own apartment and I was in total bliss. No more complaining if something wasn't cleaned right or put away in the right place. I was finally on my own. But on your own can be a very lonely place.
I started to pray to my God and Goddess for someone to love me the way I needed to be loved. Someone that understood me. And it happened. He was perfect in every way and we really got along great. We saw each other for a couple of weeks and then we slept together and I never heard from him again. I found out a while later that he was a virgin and that he had only used me to "get it over with" so to speak. I was crushed. What self-esteem I had rebuilt was gone and I went wild. I started sneaking into bars and taking guys home I didn't even know for meaningless sex. Sometimes these guys were 30 or 40 years old and I was only 19 going on 20. I had gone from having had slept with nine people to twenty seven people in two months. I had given up all hope of ever finding someone to love. Then I met Jeff.
I met him while I was working at one of my twelve jobs that I had had in that year. I had never seen him before but I just couldn't get him out of my head. Well he kept coming back and it turned out that his ex-girlfriend was my co-worker and he had her ask me out. I said yes and we went to the only place I knew how to talk to guys at, the bar. We hit it off instantly and I could tell that he wasn't like other guys. At the end of the night he asked for my phone number but I knew as I handed it to him that he would never call. Much to my surprise the phone rang the next day and it was him asking me out on a second date. I twas the start of a long and beautiful relationship. But there was one problem. My beliefs were a conflict to his.
He was a strict christian and I was a witch. He never said anything but I could tell it bothered him. So finally one night we sat down and talked about it. I explained to him that it was what I had chosen because I knew of no other choice. He would talk to me about God and the Bible and I had no idea of anything that he said. So he taught me. I resented it at first but then I started to see so many things falling in to place that I had given dumb luck and Wicca credit for. He explained to me that Christianity was not a religion, it was a relationship. He never got frustrated, even when I did and was patient.
Almost a year into our relationship I accepted Jesus Christ and became a Christian. I have never been happier. I realize now that my ultimate unhappiness came from not knowing where I was going. I know now.
Kimberly S.
raise the Lord for He is worthy of all praise. Sister Tammy Wright just sent this amazing quick answer to prayers vomited by the Holy Ghost. I am excited and praying that the testimony will be whole. Pray the same prayers if your marriage is having challenges and you shall be victorious in Jesus name, Amen! - Larry
Last night as I was praying these prayers that Larry had sent me:
About 30 mins into praying with everything I had in me, my phone rings. It is from the minister that married myself and my husband. She called to say she had went by on Friday to talk to my husband and he told her that he wanted the marriage to work and that he loves me and was open to mediation with her. For 8 months I have been praying for a miracle on reconciliation of marriage with my husband, it looks and I hope and pray that this is the first of many steps in us reconciling and restoring our marriage.
Last night as I was praying these prayers that Larry had sent me:
Please read the following passages Esther 4:15 2kings 8:41
Then pray these prayers fervently possibly in the night for ONE (1) hour or more. Do not stop praying any until you have absolute peace in your spirit.Some of the prayers may seem strange but unusual situations require unusual prayers as seen in the case of Elijah who prayed with his head between his feet.
1. With the blood of Jesus, I clean off my marriage from the demonic register of marital destruction, in the name of Jesus
2. Serpents and scorpions assigned against my marriage, die, die, die, ....(keep commanding them to die until you have peace in your spirit. NOTE: there may be reactions in your body so do not stop praying until that reaction stops absolutely.) in the name of Jesus.
3. Any hidden strangers in my life, flee by fire, in the name of Jesus
4. Any hidden strangers in my husband's life flee by fire in the name of Jesus
5. Fires of the enemy raging against my marriage I quench you with the blood of Jesus.
6. Father pull down and destroy every evil altar set up against my marriage in the name of Jesus
7. Every tree the Father has not planted in my life, be uprooted in the name of Jesus
8. Father anoint me with the anointing of victory in my marriage, my life and my health
9. I apply the healing blood of Jesus to my marriage and my life in the name of Jesus
10. Blood of Jesus, speak better things into my life in the name of Jesus.
Then pray these prayers fervently possibly in the night for ONE (1) hour or more. Do not stop praying any until you have absolute peace in your spirit.Some of the prayers may seem strange but unusual situations require unusual prayers as seen in the case of Elijah who prayed with his head between his feet.
1. With the blood of Jesus, I clean off my marriage from the demonic register of marital destruction, in the name of Jesus
2. Serpents and scorpions assigned against my marriage, die, die, die, ....(keep commanding them to die until you have peace in your spirit. NOTE: there may be reactions in your body so do not stop praying until that reaction stops absolutely.) in the name of Jesus.
3. Any hidden strangers in my life, flee by fire, in the name of Jesus
4. Any hidden strangers in my husband's life flee by fire in the name of Jesus
5. Fires of the enemy raging against my marriage I quench you with the blood of Jesus.
6. Father pull down and destroy every evil altar set up against my marriage in the name of Jesus
7. Every tree the Father has not planted in my life, be uprooted in the name of Jesus
8. Father anoint me with the anointing of victory in my marriage, my life and my health
9. I apply the healing blood of Jesus to my marriage and my life in the name of Jesus
10. Blood of Jesus, speak better things into my life in the name of Jesus.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Wheelchair Quadriplegic Healed
The incredible testimony below came from Pastor McKivett on January 19th, 2010. Read and be blessed. All I can say is that Jesus stills works wonders. Notice that He works where men can not but leaves the rest to us. This line is one that He revealed to me last month. So, when I find situations that are overwhelming now, I try out the simple test, Can I handle this or should I hand it over to Him? Try it now and you will peace. Shalom! Larry
Pastor McKivett January 19
Giving all the Praise, Honor and Glory unto the Lord through whom this testimony is made possible this eleventh day of November 2000.
Edited this 20thday of December to include the following quote from my Doctor, Dr. Dino Delaportas, MD
"I rejoice in awe of you and the miracles the Lord has performed."
My physician, as evidenced in the enclosed document, has confirmed the miracles I received from the Lord during a Faith and Victory Service at the World Harvest Church with Pastor Rod Parsley delivering the Word on November 5th2000.
On Monday the 13th of May 1985 I was involved in a motorcycle v. train accident which resulted in a Closed Head Injury (massive traumatic brain injury), Ruptured Optic Nerve (right eye), and Spinal Injuries. These injuries left me a quadriplegic (no use of my lower extremities and only partial use of my right hand with no feeling on my entire right side) cognitive deficits and short-term memory loss. As you can imagine these injuries were tremendously life changing. However, being a Born Again Christian, as well as having been an Emergency Medical Technician for several years before my accident, I was better situated in overcoming my injuries and moving forward with my life.
Although I was confined to a wheelchair I was able to continue through Him in my education at Salisbury State University, Hagerstown Junior College, and Prince George's Community College where I was a student in General Studies and Para-Legal Studies.
While attending Salisbury State University in 1987, I became involved in wheelchair sports and excelled in Shooting. Over the next three years God blessed me with 39 Gold Medals, 14 Silver, and 3 Bronze and opportunities to compete in Regional, State, National, International, World Championships, and the 1988 Paralympics in Seoul, South Korea. During this time God also blessed me with 19 National and World Records.
In 1993, while attending Prince George's Community College, I was blessed in an internship with Judge William D. Missouri the Administrative Judge of the Circuit Court for Prince George's County (the first such internship in the Para-Legal program).
During the time between 1994 - June 2000, I went through a lot of turmoil in both my personal and professional life and was separated in faith through choice and ignorance - I thought I knew better without the Lord - was I ever wrong. This was perhaps the most destructive time in my life. I attempted suicide twice, lost the love of my life (so I thought), lost a business, and lots of friends.
Finally in July 2000, due to circumstances beyond my control, I was stuck at my Sister-in-Christ's house with a broken down van. During this time I was lead back to the Lord and magnificent things started happening. I became so full of the Spirit that I lost control and have completely surrendered unto Him. I became active in the Church (The Tabernacle Church of Laurel, MD) and have been working on computers at the church since.
About three weeks before the November 5th service at the World Harvest Church the Lord moved in me that I needed to be in Columbus, Ohio on November 5th. I didn't know why. I didn't know anyone in Columbus nor had I ever heard of Pastor Rod Parsley or the World Harvest Church. Then about two weeks later I saw in infomercial about a Dept Burning Service at the World Harvest Church and the fact that the church was located in Columbus, Ohio. The Lord immediately came over me and led me to call the church right then to get the information, which ultimately lead to my being there on November 5th.
On the evening of Thursday, November 2nd I went to service at the Tabernacle Church in Laurel, MD and gave testimony that the Lord had placed it on my heart that I was to go to the World Harvest Church in Columbus, Ohio and that I was to receive a healing - just what healing I didn't know as I had several ailments. Pastor Gurley then prayed over me for a healing that manifested the next morning with the feeling being restored to my right hand. Later that Thursday evening Pastor Gurley took an offering in order that my gas be covered to get me to Columbus - otherwise, without this blessing from God, I would not have been able to receive the awesome blessing that the Lord has provided.
Upon arrival at the World Harvest Church I called into the church from the parking lot, on my cell phone to speak with Ed McKee to see if there was some type accommodation that I may freshen up after my more than 400 mile drive. During this conversation I was informed that Ed was not there and that I had called in on the Prayer Line and the offer was extended for prayer. I accepted the offer and during this prayer a burning sensation came over my feet and I knew that the Lord was once again at work in my body and at that point I declared through Him that I would be healed and that I would accept His blessing that would enable me to walk. I revealed this to the prayer partner and asked that she keep an eye out for this miracle and then come shake my hand afterward so that I may meet her and thank her for agreeing in this healing.
During the service at the World Harvest Church on November 5th Pastor Parsley called all those with diabetes to come forward - and while I was up there the Pastor named several other afflictions and during this time I could feel the Lord working on my body and when I went to adjust myself in my wheelchair one of your ushers asked if I was trying to get out of my chair - and before I had a chance to respond the Spirit took control and spoke through me and said "I'm going to jump out of this chair in thirty seconds" - well guess what? - in thirty seconds I was standing for the first time in 15 ½ years. The ushers then asked if I could walk - I didn't know - after all this was the first I had stood in 15 ½ years - I took a few steps forward and back and they asked if I could walk up the steps and I replied "lets ask the Lord" - and with that the Lord walked me up the steps onto platform (stage) on which the pulpit stands.
Before I entered the World Harvest Church that evening I tested my blood sugar and it as 470 without insulin for the prior three days. After I returned to my seat in the witness of the ushers and God Himself I tested my Blood sugar again - it as 128: Praise God!!!
And the healing hasn't stopped. After returning to Laurel I called Pastor Gurley to inform him of the awesome miracles and ask that I be allowed to go into the sanctuary at the Tabernacle Church to give Praise and Worship unto Him for what He had provided in me and for the many others to see the miracles that they may also be blessed and renewed in Faith.
Prior to going into the sanctuary that morning, Pastor Gurley prayed over my eye and by the power of God flowing through him the patch came off. Praise God!!! The optic nerve damage in that eye was healed and I have limited vision out of my right eye. I still need prayer to clear up a cataract which has formed in that eye over the years but I put all my Faith and Trust in Him that this condition will also come to pass.
On Sunday, November 10th, God anointed a service at The Tabernacle Church (a packed house I may add) through which the miracles were unveiled in a dramatic way giving Praise, Honor, and All the Glory unto Him through Jesus Christ. His blessing which was bestowed unto me was then released and poured out over the congregation at The Tabernacle Church as He restored and renewed His Faith in His followers - it was absolutely awesome to be witness to His Awesome Power!!!
In a recent conversation with the Lord, He revealed to me that He has performed a supernatural healing in restoring me in which man is unable and that know I am to seek man to restore that which he is able and may we all be blessed in the gifts He has provided in all.
In the meantime be blessed and relax in the Spirit of the Lord and I am looking forward to God blessing the masses through the blessing that He has bestowed upon me as I follow His directive to go forth and spread the Word and demonstrate the awesome power of the Lord as He has provided in me.
In Christ, may all be blessed.
William A. Kent
Monday, January 11, 2010
God saves my Children from a Poisonous Snake
The testimony below was forwarded to my facebook page by Pastor McKivett. It's an amazing testimony of how God works in our lives. Enjoy it and be blessed. Larry
I was a Moslem but came to know Christ in 1987. One of the gifts God gave me is to know His voice and of the Holy Spirit. God does this through highlighting scriptures and through the inward impressions of the Holy Spirit.
One morning in 1997 I was taking breakfast with my family. Usually after breakfast on weekends my children would go to the front yard to play. They had a mat on the lawn on which they would sit while playing. That morning I had taken half of the tea in my cup when suddenly I felt a voice within my spirit telling me to leave the table and go to the front yard of our house.
At first I said in my mind that this was just a silly thought. Soon after taking another sip from the cup, I heard the same inner voice again, telling me to put down my cup of tea. This time I had no doubt that it was the Holy Spirit who was telling me to go out. My family was suprised to see me leaving the table to go out of the house. When I reached the front yard, I stood there without knowing what to do. Then as I stood there, a thought came to my mind. I said to myself: "Always, it is my children sweeping this yard, today I want to give them a suprise. They will find it swept." So, I went in one corner of the yard to pick up a broom. At that moment, another thought, or call it a voice, came into my mind. I said to myself: "I will start this sweeping exercise by removing this mat". I bent to remove the mat only to see a tail of a very poisonous snake. I shouted for help and my family came to my rescue. We beat the snake and killed it. If God had not impressed upon me to go out, my children were going to sit on this mat thereby irritating the snake which would have bitten them. God is good.
Makko Musagara
Monday, January 4, 2010
Four Years After
As I watched the transition form 2009 to this year, I could not help but remember the goodness of God in the life of my wife four (4) years ago. The story is one that is amazing and may sound unbelievable. I still can't believe what we were both able to pass through though so why do I expect it to be easy to believe/ But if you are passing through a difficulty that you are not sure you can make it just trust in the one who asked us to take His yoke because it will lighten ours. Please read and be blessed.
Some time in 2003 when my wife, Justina was pregnant with our last child, David, she was rushed back from the office on three occasions. On each occasion I was summoned form my office The Daily Independent where I worked as Special Projects Manager. On all occasions my fear that she fallen into labour turned out to be wrong. So what was wrong with her? She had had three other successful pregnancies that resulted in life births and none created as much fear of pre-mature birth as this.
The hospital had no clue but they were certain that she needed to do with less of egss, ripe plantain, oily foods and milk. For a pregnant woman, that seemed like death sentence but nothing came close to what was to happen in the subsequent months.
She had the baby on March 3 2004 and it was amazingly the easiest of the four births. But she and the baby lacked all nutrient as may be expected. We did all we could to provide for mother and child to be nourished and God was amazingly merciful. After a few months, we started detailed investigation which led us to discover that she had gall stones. Although a fairly easy prcedure would have helped to locate the position of the stone, ther was no Nigerian hospital that had the ERCP. Even the leading teaching hospital Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH) did not have this equipment. Then came the threat of a health workers' industrial action that could shut down all facilities irrespective of which patient was in or out. The situation to say the least was dire.
During this period, I lost my job and she became so sick she was asked to withdraw from work until she felt well enought to resume. We tried send her overseas for help but she American embassy was not helpful and since there were no known relatives that we could count on in the UK, we and other countries, we decided to take her to the private medical facility of the Surgery department for the proposed surgery, which we were told was the only way to remedy her condition in the absence of pin hole surgery that was rampant every where else in the world.
The surgery was done in October that year but three days after the ordeal that was to take us to every part of Nigeria started. The surgery ended after nearly four hours. She came out of the theatre with a wound on the head and no one could explain how that wound came. The tragedy was that four or five days after surgery her stomach became bloated. On investigation, the doctors admitted their surgical intervention had become complicated because the swelling up of the stomach meant that there was a leakage that needed to be quickly remedied. Unfortunately, the doctor claimed they could not do that because she was too frail and skinny to withstand another surgery. At this point we knew we were on to a long uncertain journey. The only hope left once more was to find a hospital with the ERCP procedure and we could not find any. Our resouces were dwindling and so was her health declining. To give an idea of her state is to state that she was as bad as patient with the advanced stage of AIDS.
Friends and relatives absconded and would no longer receive their calls. Colleagues stopped visiting and at such moments, you find how stalk lonely it can become in a crowded world especially the African type. Then from no where, came a few who were helpful. From this small circle, the Lord raised a huge sum of money running into millions that enabled us to go Israel for the surgical operation that corrected the anomaly created by the Nigerian medical intervention. In all of this period, one thing, one person did not fail us: CHRIST. That was what was playing in my mind when the fire works were blasting away this December 31 2009 night at the Prayer City owned by the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries (MFM).
The MFM assisted us in several ways and for this I am lifting my hands in gratitude to God. First, different prayer teams were available at different times. They visited us at home and were ever ready to help in prayers in the church. second, it was here that I found that God does answer in this generation like He did in Moses time. How?
Early one morning when we were preparing for the monthly Power Must Change Hamds programme, we as a family prayed that God should remember my family especially my wife's case. To the Glory of God, the Prophet of God, Dr. D.K. Olukoya mentioned my wife by her native name in a crowd of more than five hundred thousand and assured her that heaven had heard her cry. This was an amazing coincidence that should convince all that Jesus Still Works. After that prophecy, our critical financial situation became the trouble of others who, without a kobo from me, raised millions of naira that sent my wife and I to Israil's Ichilov Hospital where to the glory of God, the corrective surgery took place early in January 2006. Now four (4) years after, she has remained in tremendous good health. Praise the Lord!
Some time in 2003 when my wife, Justina was pregnant with our last child, David, she was rushed back from the office on three occasions. On each occasion I was summoned form my office The Daily Independent where I worked as Special Projects Manager. On all occasions my fear that she fallen into labour turned out to be wrong. So what was wrong with her? She had had three other successful pregnancies that resulted in life births and none created as much fear of pre-mature birth as this.
The hospital had no clue but they were certain that she needed to do with less of egss, ripe plantain, oily foods and milk. For a pregnant woman, that seemed like death sentence but nothing came close to what was to happen in the subsequent months.
She had the baby on March 3 2004 and it was amazingly the easiest of the four births. But she and the baby lacked all nutrient as may be expected. We did all we could to provide for mother and child to be nourished and God was amazingly merciful. After a few months, we started detailed investigation which led us to discover that she had gall stones. Although a fairly easy prcedure would have helped to locate the position of the stone, ther was no Nigerian hospital that had the ERCP. Even the leading teaching hospital Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH) did not have this equipment. Then came the threat of a health workers' industrial action that could shut down all facilities irrespective of which patient was in or out. The situation to say the least was dire.
During this period, I lost my job and she became so sick she was asked to withdraw from work until she felt well enought to resume. We tried send her overseas for help but she American embassy was not helpful and since there were no known relatives that we could count on in the UK, we and other countries, we decided to take her to the private medical facility of the Surgery department for the proposed surgery, which we were told was the only way to remedy her condition in the absence of pin hole surgery that was rampant every where else in the world.
The surgery was done in October that year but three days after the ordeal that was to take us to every part of Nigeria started. The surgery ended after nearly four hours. She came out of the theatre with a wound on the head and no one could explain how that wound came. The tragedy was that four or five days after surgery her stomach became bloated. On investigation, the doctors admitted their surgical intervention had become complicated because the swelling up of the stomach meant that there was a leakage that needed to be quickly remedied. Unfortunately, the doctor claimed they could not do that because she was too frail and skinny to withstand another surgery. At this point we knew we were on to a long uncertain journey. The only hope left once more was to find a hospital with the ERCP procedure and we could not find any. Our resouces were dwindling and so was her health declining. To give an idea of her state is to state that she was as bad as patient with the advanced stage of AIDS.
Friends and relatives absconded and would no longer receive their calls. Colleagues stopped visiting and at such moments, you find how stalk lonely it can become in a crowded world especially the African type. Then from no where, came a few who were helpful. From this small circle, the Lord raised a huge sum of money running into millions that enabled us to go Israel for the surgical operation that corrected the anomaly created by the Nigerian medical intervention. In all of this period, one thing, one person did not fail us: CHRIST. That was what was playing in my mind when the fire works were blasting away this December 31 2009 night at the Prayer City owned by the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries (MFM).
The MFM assisted us in several ways and for this I am lifting my hands in gratitude to God. First, different prayer teams were available at different times. They visited us at home and were ever ready to help in prayers in the church. second, it was here that I found that God does answer in this generation like He did in Moses time. How?
Early one morning when we were preparing for the monthly Power Must Change Hamds programme, we as a family prayed that God should remember my family especially my wife's case. To the Glory of God, the Prophet of God, Dr. D.K. Olukoya mentioned my wife by her native name in a crowd of more than five hundred thousand and assured her that heaven had heard her cry. This was an amazing coincidence that should convince all that Jesus Still Works. After that prophecy, our critical financial situation became the trouble of others who, without a kobo from me, raised millions of naira that sent my wife and I to Israil's Ichilov Hospital where to the glory of God, the corrective surgery took place early in January 2006. Now four (4) years after, she has remained in tremendous good health. Praise the Lord!
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