Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Impossible Situations: God flexes His muscles on behalf of my mother


by Pamela Rosario

The day was almost over. As I cleaned the room in preparation for the next patient, I heard the intercom blare my name announcing a call waiting for me at the nurses’ station.

I maneuvered my way through the crowded hospital corridor and picked up the first free phone I could find. The grim tone of my brother’s voice caused my heart to leap into my throat.

“They found a large tumor on Mom’s liver.” This was not the first time we had heard the words “tumor” or “cancer.”

Six years earlier, she had fought a hard fight against colon cancer and won. However, we felt the winds of change after a kidney infection landed her in the emergency room earlier that month. Her doctor performed a blood test that indicated her cancer might have returned. The CAT scan confirmed our worst fears. The cancer had spread, or metastasized, to her liver.

“What are we going to do?” Alan’s voice broke through my stunned silence.

After asking a few more questions about my mother’s test results, all I could say was, “I’ll call you back.”

I left the desk and found my husband in another area of the emergency room where we both worked as nurses. I shared the news with him and other co-workers who were standing by. Concerned looks and pats on the shoulder were all they could offer in the way of a solution. My husband turned to me. “What about Rhonda?”

Spurred on by a glimmer of hope, I grabbed the phone. My hands shook as I dialed the number. The din of the emergency room grew faint as I waited for the familiar voice to answer.

“Hey, Rhon. It’s Pam. Can you talk for a minute?”

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

I launched into the story without taking a breath. “Mom has a tumor on her liver. Alan told me her doctor said he can’t operate because it is wrapped around a major blood vessel. What can I do? Who can I take her

Then came the inevitable question, “What kind of insurance does she have?”

I took a deep breath “She doesn’t have any."

The silence that followed was shattered by my friend’s determined voice, “Pam, give me a minute and I will call you back.” The phone went dead.

As I waited, my heart began to sink. How would my mother get the care she needed? Mom had survived two major surgeries, six weeks of radiation, and eighteen months of chemotherapy. After she went into remission, my parents tried to obtain some sort of health coverage for her. All of these efforts were fruitless. Because of her history, no conventional insurance company would touch her. She was too young for Medicare, and when she tried applying for Medicaid, she was told she would have to divorce my father in order to qualify for benefits.

After fifty years of marriage, this was not an option. Furthermore, even if we had the funds, where would she get a doctor? Few surgeons in the state would call themselves qualified to tackle such a case, and, if they did, it could take months to get an appointment. Our  chances seemed bleak. It was an impossible situation.

Throughout the Bible, we find story after story of men and women surrounded by circumstances that had no viable solution. In the Old Testament, we read about a couple of senior citizens waiting for a promised child to be born. Let us not forget the runaway murderer commissioned by God to lead Israel out of centuries of slavery against the super power of his day. How about the Israeli leader who needed more hours of daylight in order to defeat the enemy? All of these were impossible situations.

In the New Testament, we can feel the anxiety of the disciples as five thousand hungry people waited for the meal Jesus announced that He would provide. Ponder this: Lazarus was dead. Mary and Martha were
racked with grief when Jesus finally arrived three days later. “Where were you?” they cried. More impossible situations.

The list goes on and on, but with every insurmountable obstacle, God comes through. Abraham and Sarah have a healthy baby boy. Moses brings the children of Israel out of bondage after four hundred years of
oppression while being chased by the entire Egyptian army. Joshua defeated the enemy when God made the sun stand still. Jesus not only fed five thousand men, but also all the women and children who were
there with food to spare. Much to the delight of Mary and Martha, Jesus brought Lazarus back to life. When the world shakes its head and announces there is no way, God flexes His muscles on behalf of those
whose hearts are loyal to Him, (2 Chronicles 16:9).

Replaying the events of that day, I feel humbled and honored at the evidence of God’s hand at work in Mom’s life. Little did I know that God would use an old friendship to bring about a new solution. When
the call finally came, Rhonda’s voice rang full of confidence.

“Pam, the doctor I work for has agreed to see your Mom. He is one of the best trauma surgeons in Florida. And, because of where her tumor is located, we are going to enroll her in the teaching program so all
her hospital costs will be covered. She won’t have to pay for a thing.”

Friend, are you facing an impossible situation? Perhaps a loved one has been touched by an unexpected illness like my mother, or your checkbook shows more withdrawals than deposits. If so, just remember
what God asked Jeremiah in chapter 32, verse 27: “Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh; is there anything too difficult for me?”

When we see obstacles, God sees opportunities. God is ready, willing, and able to do all that we need. Turn the burden over to Him, ignite your faith, and watch the hand of God turn your situation around.

Sent in by Pastor McKivett


   I have known Brother Remy for years. Intelligent, amiable and kind to a fault, he still had things go so bad he  almost gave up on everything but Jesus intervened. Today, he has the testimony of the Master of the Universe, who saved his marriage, restored fertility and his career in tow. Check out his awesome testimony from Thailand where he now works for the Lord . LARRY

by  Remy Nwadike

Praise the Lord! I am 45, male, Christian, married with 3 lovely children (including the twins, Daniel and Deborah). By the special grace of God, I wish to share this testimony His glory and personally testify that truly Jesus still works for those who believe.

I was born into a Christian home and remained so for decades without a personal encounter with the Lord until October 2003 when I voluntarily and willingly surrendered my life to the Saviour Jesus Christ and became a born again Christian. The Angel of my conversion came in the person of my very good brother, friend  and counsellor, Pastor Larry, our blessed guide in this blog. By October 2003, my beautiful wife, Juliana and I had agreed that in view of our very desperate and dire situation  that December 2003 was going to be our 'Goodbye ' season to depart from the city of Lagos for good and go back to our remote village nearly 1000 km away. Reason? Nothing worked again! No job! No finances! No Helper! Everything had only one explanation: hopeless!

But Proverbs 11:14 has some great things to say to people in similar situation as I was then. Also, I have been greatly encouraged by 1 Cor. 10:13; Is. 55:6-13; and Ps.119:67 and 71 to mention very few scriptureforpeople in my former level!

And so to Pastor Larry I went and  narrated my ordeal and decision. He solemnly encouraged me and advised me to "seriously consider surrendering my life totally to Master Jesus because He still works". that to my mind was preposterous as I was borne a Christian. however, after very deep reflections and prayer and after recollecting the miraculous work of our Lord Jesus Christ in the life of Pastor Larry's wife, Sis. Tina,  I wept for the light I saw in the dark tunnel of my life then. I took the decision and became a born-again. I committed totally and since then have never looked back again. Since then it's been breakthrough and testimony galore for me and my family. Let me recall a few:

Today I am thanking God that that singular decision to give my life back to its owner, Lord Jesus Christ has transformed my life from negative into positive. Then my life was hopeless but now my life is full of fulfillment, hope and expectation of the best. As I write I am a foreign assignment fulfilling a Christian missionary assignment in Thailand and its neighbouring South East Asian countries. A pastor colleague said my testimony is best understood as " From Tired to Thailand! " But I say it is a case of "From Nothing to Abundance!"

To the glory of God, I am  a Christian Missionary ! In fact many know me as a Pastor ! My young family is still living in the city of Lagos and Christ expense.

I also recall that my twins came in November 2007, nearly six years after their elder sister, our first. At the time I gave my life to Christ, nothing seemed to be working in all our efforts to have more children. But having learnt to pray I saw the power of God in praying non-stop, with big faith without fainting. My wife and I asked for a set of twins  to compensate for  the gap and imagine our joy when we received our heart desire! We, that were once desperately needing encouragement, now encourage people, teaching them to run to Jesus for solution to all their needs and problems. No matter what.Awesome God.

I thank God that even though I was once programmed for defeat, failure, disgrace, shame and ultimately death, His power today has  saved me. And now rather than being a victim of powers of darkness, I am  in the vanguard that use the word of God, the Blood of Jesus and open confession of Lord Jesus Christ (Testimonies) to victoriously fight against the enemy and accuser of the brethren.

May the Holy name of the Lord remain blessed forever. Praise the Lord!