I want you to take a look at: When Friendship Fails: Change Your Prayer Gear Into Importunity
I want you to take a look at: When Friendship Fails: Change Your Prayer Gear Into Importunity
Every day we hear of awesome testimonies from Congregation after Congregation. We're desirous of sharing these testimonies with believers and non-believers the world over in this blog. After all is it not written in Revelations 12:11 we overcome him (the devil) by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimonies? So share your testimonies and the Lord will multiply it for you in the name of Jesus. Send testimonies to larryhappiday1@gmail.com
Every day we hear of awesome testimonies from Congregation after Congregation. We're desirous of sharing these testimonies with believers and non-believers the world over in this blog. After all is it not written in Revelations 12:11 we overcome him (the devil) by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimonies? So share your testimonies and the Lord will multiply it for you in the name of Jesus.